RNentropy download page

Click here for the article describing RNentropy

RNentropy 1.1.1 C++ Implementation

Download RNentropy 1.1.1 executables and C++ source code
This archive contains the executable for 64bit Linux platforms, license information, source code, example input and output files and a short manual.

Download RNentropy 1.1.1 C++ source code
Source code, license information, example input and output files and a short manual.

Download human 54 samples (6 tissues, 3 individuals, 3 replicates) dataset (raw counts, TPM and TMM-normalized counts)

Installation help and usage examples
An installation guide and short manual for the C++ implementation of RNentropy. You find a .txt copy of it inside the executable and source packages.

R implementation (1.2.2) at CRAN

RNentropy is available at CRAN.

You can install the package just by typing


from within your R console.

Manual for RNentropy R implementation


Older Versions

R implementation (1.2.0)

Download the R package RNentropy 1.2.0
This is RNentropy CRAN package 1.2.0. Install it with:

install.packages("RNentropy_1.2.0.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type = "source")

from within your R console, then load the RNentropy library with



R implementation (1.1.2)

Download the R package RNentropy 1.1.2
This is RNentropy CRAN package 1.1.2. Install it with:

install.packages("RNentropy_1.1.2.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type = "source")

from within your R console, then load the RNentropy library with


RNentropy 1.1.1 R Implementation

Download the R package RNentropy 1.1.1
This archive contains the R package for RNentropy and licensing info. Download it to your R working directory and install it with:

install.packages("RNentropy_1.1.1.R.tar.gz", repos = NULL, type = "source")

from within your R console, then load the RNentropy library with


Manual for RNentropy R implementation (1.1.1)